Essential Guides for a UX Design Presentation (2024)

No matter how good your solution is, at the end of the day, it has to step into the light, typically in a UX Design Presentation with stakeholders, clients, or an internal design team. Therefore, planning and making a UX Design Presentation always play an important part in a daily UX design job.

More importantly, if you know clearly which you are going to present, it does not only save a lot of time but also benefits you to prepare accurate and efficient contents well. Otherwise, even though your solution is awesome, it is not easy to convince stakeholders at all, moreover, in disadvantaged cases, you have to face too many questions, challenges, and barriers that might prevent your idea to become true.

In this article, I would like to share my advice along with my experience about making a UX design presentation from scratch.

Hope you find it interesting & helpful!

1. Target Audience

One of the common mistakes of designers is following a generic presentation template or hastily writing down all things that suddenly come to their mind.

In my point of view, “more haste, less speed”, instead of this, I strongly recommend you to spend 15–30 mins to think about your target audience whom you are going to present. Throughout this, it helps you to come up with a proper backbone present structure as well as define an efficient present style.

2. Duration

If you know exactly how much time for your session, it is properly a huge advantage to plan for the number of slides, speaking speed, and organizing sections as well.

Ideally, in case you are allowed to schedule a presentation proactively, let’s stick with the time frames below.

According to the scientific facts the best time to give an important presentation are:

  • The first half of the day (midmorning best for both early birds and night owls)
  • 1–2 hours after the day begins
  • 1 hour before lunch or 1–2 hours after it
  • Tuesday (better) or Thursday (not bad, too)

1. Giving an overview of project

Let’s get started with very basic part of a presentation, introduction & agenda. Typically, a UX design introduction includes parts below:

  • Overview of your project or requirements along with the context.
  • Introduction to team members and their roles.
  • Overview of Agenda.

2. Describe clearly the root-cause problem you are going to solve

If anyone asks me where is the most different point between a UX design presentation and others, I would say it is this section. Basically, this section bears the great important meaning that is indispensable to any UX design presentation, moreover, all follow sections will focus to solve this properly. Let’s imagine in case the defined root-cause problem is wrong, as the consequence is whole your presentation are pointless tasks.

Therefore, defining and explaining clearly the root-cause problem will have a significant impact on the final result.

3. Explain your approaching/ process

There is no doubt about the importance of the process on your strategy, follow methodologies, and generating ideas. Furthermore, this is considered as the success key of your presentation. Therefore, you definitely need a deep understanding of processes — props and cons, and also concrete reasons for choosing this process but not others as well.

Regarding this, several processes might be helpful for your early consideration below:

a. Design Thinking: This is the most popular process, starting from researching users to evaluating solution in reality, including 5 stages:

Essential Guides for a UX Design Presentation (1)
  • Empathize
  • Define
  • Ideate
  • Prototype
  • Test

b. Lean UX: is focused on the experience under design and is less focused on deliverables than traditional UX.

Essential Guides for a UX Design Presentation (2)
  • Think
  • Make
  • Check

c. Double Diamonds: particularly suitable for structuring a solution with external collaboration and user involvement in the development of solutions.

Essential Guides for a UX Design Presentation (3)
  • Discover
  • Define
  • Develop
  • Deliver

4. Methodologies matter

Methodology collocations reflect how well you can leverage methodologies and how deep your understanding of them as well. In fact, there are a hundred UX methodologies out there, and each UX methodology will deliver different outputs. Therefore, the way you select methodologies will reveal your strategic thinking as well as UX design ability. So, have a good and thoughtful choice.

For example, one of the good combination I am used to applying is:

  • What-How-Why
  • 5 Whys
  • POV (Point of View)
  • How Might We

5. Do not hesitate to show Pros and Cons

In reality, never exists a perfect solution that fits in all scenarios and also satisfies every user. Even though its advantages overweight its disadvantages, it is always good to let stakeholders know both sides of the solution so that they can give constructive feedbacks accurately. As a usual structure, I will have 2 slides, one to list down advantages, another for drawbacks.

6. Last but not least, provide a rapid prototype link

If you are looking forward to constructive feedback from your audience, I strongly recommend a good way in this case is a Rapid Prototype. Nowadays, most of the prototype tools allow users to leave comments/ feedbacks freely and quickly.

Furthermore, with a certain time, you are not able to present a comprehensive flow, so a rapid prototype is quite helpful in this case. It is not only an efficient way for your audience to interact with the product but also a chance to get constructive feedbacks as well.

Hope you find this helpful. If you still in doubt, ask me for further help. 😉


Huy Truong: Content Writer

Vu Duong: Illustrator

Essential Guides for a UX Design Presentation (2024)


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  2. Set clear goals. ...
  3. Brevity is key: Provide recommendations. ...
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  5. The power of storytelling. ...
  6. Clarify the question-answer session. ...
  7. Establish an empathetic connection with the audience.
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The 4Cs of UX design – Consistency, Continuity, Context and Complementary – are important guides in creating the optimal experience of using a product or service.

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Repetition of visual elements helps create a uniformity that ties your design together. Consistency makes designs visually appealing, and proper use of PowerPoint templates and slide masters can help you achieve this. Items that are related to each other should naturally be placed close to one another.

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While these are certainly foundational requirements to be successful as a working UX designer, it's important not to underestimate the importance of also developing presentation and communication skills. Presentation skills are used to effectively bring ideas, concepts, and design information to life.

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Summary: People can remember about 7 (plus/minus 2) items in short-term memory. This memory limitation has implications for UX design, but not the ones you often hear stated.

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In the world of user research, the 5 W's and How serve as invaluable tools for uncovering user insights and designing user-centric experiences. By understanding the "Who, What, When, Where, Why" and How, professionals and students can conduct effective research that fuels innovative and meaningful design decisions.

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Be clear and direct. When users become stalled or confused, especially in the early stages of a product, they lose faith in that product and sometimes never return. It is important to be clear, direct, and honest with your users in order to gain their trust and support.

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1. The user is always the center of attention. The most important golden rule of creating a good UX is straightforward, and yet it causes many problems for designers.

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What are UX guidelines? UX guidelines include processes and best practices for creating user-friendly products. The design process involves conducting user research, understanding who users are, designing a product, and testing.

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Communication is essential in UX. Designers must convey product ideas, explain thinking behind designs, and work with other teams. Their work also requires elements of storytelling. Effective communication skills help designers create, collaborate, adapt, and improve products and systems with ease.

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UX design is focused on anything that affects the user's journey to solve that problem, positive or negative, both on-screen and off. UI design is focused on how the product's surfaces look and function. The user interface is only piece of that journey.

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How long should your UX portfolio presentation be? Hiring managers will usually allocate between 45 minutes and 1 hour for your UX portfolio presentation. The recruiter should be able to provide you with the timeframe. But, if not, plan to present for around 40 minutes and leave enough time for questions at the end.

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The STAR framework helps you structure your portfolio around four elements: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. In this article, we will explain how you can use the STAR framework to develop a UX design portfolio that demonstrates your value and impact.

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Usually prototyping involves sketches in paper but also some other good tools like PowerPoint Visio, Balsamiq, Pencil as well as other available tools and applications in the market to make prototypes and mockups. But lately PowerPoint has gained a lot of attention for UX design, too.

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Your UX portfolio presentation is your opportunity to show the hiring manager, and the wider team, what you're capable of. You'll talk them through 1 or 2 portfolio projects, giving insight into your UX design process and your approach to problem-solving.

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