Grilled Honey-Orange Ham Recipe (2024)

July 25, 2015 at 12:30 pm by Gigi Stewart | Recipes


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Grilled Honey-Orange Ham

By: Gigi Howe

A few months ago I was juggling too many things in the oven… and I also had a ham to bake. I’m a believer in that almost everything can be cooked on a grill, so I cooked the ham on our barbeque grill. Much to my delight, the flavor of the ham was even more delicious when cooking it on the grill.

The key to cooking a ham on the grill is indirect heat. I cook my ham on foil with the edges folded up. You could also use an aluminum roasting pan or a regular one. The foil makes for an easy clean up for me. You want something to keep all the juices from spilling and when it comes time to baste the ham, keep all that nice baste around the ham rather than all over your grill. 😉

You will cook the ham for a while, then put it on a platter to remove the rind and score the ham. And if you like the taste of cloves (not everyone does) you will stud the ham with whole cloves. Then place the ham back on the grill, baste with your honey-orange glaze and let it cook for another 20 mins.

You will basically be following the cooking timetable on the label. The temperature of your grill should be around 250 – 275. With smoked hams that are already fully cooked, you will want the temperature of the ham to reach 130.

You can also use this recipe to bake your ham. I’ll include those directions also.

Grilled Honey-Orange Ham


  • Fully cooked bone-in ham
  • 10 – 15 whole cloves – optional
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup orange juice


1. Heat grill to approximately 250. If you don’t have a thermometer on your grill, heat grill and then lower it when you put your ham on the grill. Set up your grill for indirect grilling. Place your ham cut side down on foil or baking pan on the side of your grill without the flames.
2. Combine honey, brown sugar and orange juice. Mix well.
3. During the last 20 mins. of cooking, remove ham from foil. Discard any drippings. Remove rind and score ham. If used, stud ham with whole cloves. Place ham back on foil or baking pan on its side and apply glaze. Baste ham frequently until reaching temperature of 130.
4. Remove ham to platter, tent with foil and let rest for 10 – 15 minutes before carving.

Note: If you have a spiral ham, your cooking time should be less, otherwise your ham will dry out.

To Bake the Ham:

Follow wrapper directions for the baking time, otherwise bake at 325 for 2 – 2 1/2 hrs for an 8 -10 lb. ham. A half hour before cooking time is up, remove ham from oven. Spoon drippings from pan and cut away any rind left on the ham. Score ham and stud with cloves (if using). Pour glaze over ham, return to oven for the remainder of cooking time.


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Grilled Honey-Orange Glazed Ham


– Fully cooked bone-in ham
– 10 – 15 whole cloves – optional
– 1/2 cup honey
– 1 cup brown sugar
– 1/2 cup orange juice


1. Heat grill to approximately 250. If you don’t have a thermometer on your grill, heat grill and then lower it when you put your ham on the grill. Set up your grill for indirect grilling. Place your ham cut side down on foil or baking pan on the side of your grill without the flames.
2. Combine honey, brown sugar and orange juice. Mix well.
3. During the last 20 mins. of cooking, remove ham from foil. Discard any drippings. Remove rind and score ham. If used, stud ham with whole cloves. Place ham back on foil or baking pan on its side and apply glaze. Baste ham frequently until reaching temperature of 130.
4. Remove ham to platter, tent with foil and let rest for 10 – 15 minutes before carving.

Note: If you have a spiral ham, your cooking time should be less, otherwise your ham will dry out.

To Bake the Ham:

Follow wrapper directions for the baking time, otherwise bake at 325 for 2 – 2 1/2 hrs for an 8 -10 lb. ham. A half hour before cooking time is up, remove ham from oven. Spoon drippings from pan and cut away any rind left on the ham. Score ham and stud with cloves (if using). Pour glaze over ham, return to oven for the remainder of cooking time.

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Grilled Honey-Orange Ham Recipe (2024)
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