Healthy Broccoli Soup Recipe: Simple Cream of Broccoli Soup with Parmesan (2024)


Healthy Broccoli Soup Recipe: Simple Cream of Broccoli Soup with Parmesan (1)

If you're looking for a healthy broccoli soup recipe, this is one of the best — it's just a basic, simple cream of broccoli soup, but with Parmesan so it's extra dreamy. It's also a good way to get some superfoods into your family, keep reading for how to do that!

By the way, for another healthy broccoli soup recipe with a twist on this one, you may want to check out this low carb broccoli cheese soup. That one was from my sister, and it has been one of my most popular posts. You can see how well-loved it is by all the comments. 🙂

However, this recipe was inspired by one of our favorite restaurants: Amore Trattoria Italiana

Healthy Broccoli Soup Recipe with Parmesan Cheese


  • 6 Tablespoons butter, pastured butter is best (read more about healthy fats and how they do NOT cause weight gain)
  • 5 Tablespoons flour, I use Einkorn flour or Spelt flour (read about why using alternative grains is a good practice: Gluten Allergy or Wheat Sensitivity?)
  • About 3 cups homemade chicken or turkey broth (the amount doesn't have to be exact) — Here's how to make homemade broth or check out the “broth bible” here: Nourishing Broth. (Read my review on that broth book here.) I now know how quick and simple pressure cooker broth is so I can make some mineral-rich broth more quickly in a pinch. If you just don't think you will make it or want some on hand for when you'rereallycrunched for time, try this bone broth — it's 100% grass-fed with a bunch of gelatin, organic ingredients, and it's shelf stable! I love keeping their beef and chicken broth on-hand for quick recipes because they make it just like I do here, and without the nasty msg-like ingredients, additives, or preservatives that store-bought has.

  • About 2-3 cups milk and/or cream (not ultra-pasteurized – read why that's bad here and how you can tell)
  • About 8 ounce shaved or shredded Parmesan cheese (or really, just use any cheese you have on-hand, it's all good!)
  • One head of broccoli, cleaned and chopped or put through the food processor to get the pieces as small as you'd like. (You could also make a similar soup with spinachand kid love it!)
  • Sea saltand pepper — add a little then taste-test and add more if needed
  • Herbs and seasonings to your taste — add about 1/2 teaspoon of one or more of them and again, add more as you taste test: fresh chopped garlic or dried garlic powder, onion powder, fresh chopped oregano or dried oregano, fresh chopped parsley or dried parsley, and anything else that sounds good to you. The ingredients in this recipe don't have to be exact at all!

Besides all the other good stuff already in this soup, try adding in even more superfoods like these…

  • I keep these vegetable powders on hand for recipes like this where it's SO simple to add in a little more nutrition. Start with small amounts, such as 1/2 teaspoon, and taste-test to be sure you're not overpowering the flavors. Add more as you see what tastes good to you. These vegetables are organically grown in nutrient-dense soil,so you're getting much more than you'd get with a bland vegetable from the store that has travelled hundreds or thousands of miles to get to you.

  • 1 scoop of collagen powder from grass-fed cowsfor extra protein and nutrients for your hair, joints, better digestion, and more. I put this stuff in everything because it dissolves easily and has no taste at all.

  • 1-2 egg yolks —they just make it creamier and add nutrition! (The whites would not blend in as nicely.) Read all the benefits of getting more eggs in your diet here.


Start by making a white sauce, or roux: Melt butter in a saucepan on medium heat. Whisk in the flour and continue whisking and cook for 3 minutes or so. You may need to turn it down so it doesn't burn. Then slowlywhisk in the broth and cream, and keep stirring as it thickens — if you add it in too quickly it won't be as thick and creamy, but it'll still be good so don't worry if you screw it up. Add the optional superfoods as mentioned above. Stir in the cheese, reserving some for the top, and then the broccoli. Now it's time to season it and taste-test… Keep your stove on low as you do this so it doesn't burn. If you're using fresh herbs, chop them and toss in along with the sea salt, pepper, and whatever else sounds good to you — just start sprinkling the seasonings in, a little at a time if you're new at this, and keep tasting until you get it nice and dreamy-licious. Serve with extra cheese on top.

Let me know when you try this healthy broccoli soup recipe and tell me what you think!

  • Want something really yummy and good for you to dip into your soup? Try this Homemade Sourdough bread — it's the healthiest bread on earth! The post at that link has step-by-step instructions.
  • See my sister's low-carb broccoli cheese soup here.

Meal Time Help!

Sick of planning meals and answering the question, “What am I going to feed these people?” No matter what kind of eater you are,check out theseaffordableinteractive easy-to-use meal plans where the work is done for you! Also read over my review to see what I thought of it.

Healthy Broccoli Soup Recipe: Simple Cream of Broccoli Soup with Parmesan (7)

Healthy Broccoli Soup Recipe: Simple Cream of Broccoli Soup with Parmesan (2024)
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