No-Gadget Falafel (Falafel without a Food Processor) Recipe on Food52 (2024)


by: Izy Hossack



2 Ratings

  • Prep time 20 minutes
  • Cook time 45 minutes
  • Makes 12

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Author Notes

Don't have a blender OR a food processor? Not even a potato masher!? Who *are* you!? You are me. And thank goodness, I've found a way we can still make falafel without all the gadgets.
(Note: I'm a parsley and dill-hater, hence why I prefer to make my own falafel! I used a small amount of parsley in this recipe, but if you want to amp up the herbs, feel free to add more chopped parsley and/or dill). —Izy Hossack

  • Test Kitchen-Approved
  • For the falafel:
  • one 14-ounce can of chickpeas
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tablespoonall-purpose flour (or buckwheat flour, if gluten-free)
  • 1/2 teaspoonground cumin
  • generous pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cupfinely chopped parsley
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped (use the other half for serving)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely minced
  • 1/2 cupfinely chopped cilantro
  • vegetable or canola oil, for frying
  • To serve (all optional!):
  • 1/2 cupplain yogurt
  • handful of fresh mint, finely chopped
  • handful of cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1/2 red onion, finely sliced
  • hummus
  • mixed salad leaves
  • flatbreads, to serve (gluten-free, if needed)
  1. Open the can of chickpeas and pour them into a strainer to drain. Rinse the beans and the can under cold water. Keep the can as we're going to use if for smushing!
  2. Pour the drained, rinsed chickpeas into a wide bowl with the lemon juice. Use the base of the empty can to smush and squish the chickpeas into as smooth a paste as possible. If the cut-edge of the empty can is sharp and not safe to hold, just use the base of an unopened can and rinse it off after you're done.
  3. To the chickpea paste, add the flour, ground cumin, salt, and parsley. Stir together well, then add the onion, garlic, and cilantro. Mix together using your hands until very well combined.
  4. Divide the mixture into 12 equal balls (roughly 2 tablespoons of mixture per ball). Flatten each ball slightly with your fingertips.
  5. Heat a skillet over a medium flame and fill to about 1/4-inch depth with oil. When the oil looks shimmery, place a few of the flattened balls into the skillet. Fry until golden, then flip and cook on the other side until golden. Remove to a tray or plate lined with paper kitchen towel to drain.
  6. To serve: Mix together the yogurt, mint, and cilantro. Spread some of this herbed yogurt over a flatbread along with some hummus, slices of red onion, salad leaves, and falafel. Wrap up and eat!


  • Falafel
  • Sandwich
  • Middle Eastern
  • Cilantro
  • Cumin
  • Mint
  • Chickpea
  • Bean
  • Parsley
  • Make Ahead
  • Weeknight Cooking
  • Fry

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • Peony

  • Yvetta Lukoff

  • Nodirjon Akhdiyor Sattarov

  • Izy Hossack

  • ncindc

Recipe by: Izy Hossack

Passionate about cakes, roasted vegetables and anything involving Maldon salt or maple syrup. Izy is a student living in London, UK who spends her spare time blogging and rambling on

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9 Reviews

Peony February 8, 2018

Followed the recipe exactly and ended up with mushy oily crumbs...I added a bit of extra flour and let them rest over night and still did not hold. :-(

Nodirjon A. August 24, 2019

They fall apart because the recipe asks for canned chickpeas. Don't use canned chick peas ever for falafel. Sometimes, to avoid having to soak them over night, I quick soak them by cooking chickpeas in boiling water for 2 min, taking them off the stove and letting them sit in the hot water for an hour. After the hour I just drain the water and let them dry.

Baileybayo December 23, 2017

We loved these! We ended up making them into patties and they were delicious!

KC June 2, 2015

My family (4yr old included) loved these! But they were falling apart in the pan. Any suggestions on how to firm them up a bit? Oh, and we skipped the parsley and dill but added a ton of chopped chives.

Izy H. June 2, 2015

you could add an egg white to help bind the mixture together a bit more! Also make sure everything you add is very finely chopped and that the chickpeas are as smooth as you can get them - that should help to make the mixture a bit more moist so it holds up better. Glad you enjoyed them :)

ncindc August 28, 2015

I added a bit of tahini, and it helped to bind them together

beejay45 September 17, 2015

If you let the balls sit for a while, even overnight (covered in the fridge) the flour or other binder will hydrate better and help hold them together. I use the Norpro Ebelskiver pan (which sucks for ebelskiver since the indentations are pattie-shaped rather than half rounds) which really keeps all of this kind of stuff together, from falafel to crab cakes and everything in between and means you can avoid wheat flour altogether with certain recipes, or use gram flour or buckwheat instead for more flavor.

Brittney N. July 8, 2017

I had the same issue, but I just added another tablespoon flour and the second batch turned out great

Yvetta L. May 22, 2015

I'd recommend actually washing the can -before- using it to smush food, too.

No-Gadget Falafel (Falafel without a Food Processor) Recipe on Food52 (2024)


Do you need a food processor for falafel? ›

If you don't have a food processor, you can also use an immersion blender. Then it's easier to blend bit by bit. If the mix seems very dry, you can add a splash of water. Take a tablespoon of the falafel mix at a time and roll between your hands to form falafel balls that are about the size of walnuts.

How do you keep falafels from falling apart? ›

Resting the prepared falafel balls in the refrigerator for about an hour before you fry them can also help them keep their shape when they hit the hot oil. For best results, the oil should be between 350 and 360 F.

What are the 2 types of falafel? ›

There are three types of falafel--Traditional falafel, baked falafel and lemon falafel. “Where the traditional falafel is the basic fried falafel comprising a mix of chickpeas, onions, garlic, herbs and spices, baked falafels are made using fresh herbs in the chickpea mixture,” says Chef Sati from Ophelia.

How do you mix if you don't have a food processor? ›

Combine liquids and solids in a mixer.

Whether you're using a hand mixer, a stand mixer, or an immersion blender, your mixer can function as a useful substitute for a food processor. Just place the food into a large, durable bowl and lower in the mixer, then turn it on.

Why does my homemade falafel fall apart? ›

Too much moisture can result in a softer texture, so be sure to drain and rinse your chickpeas well before mashing them. Chill the mixture: Before forming your falafels, chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This will help to firm up the mixture and prevent it from falling apart during cooking.

Can I use a hand blender to make falafel? ›

Served with a fresh, mint yoghurt dip, these falafels are quick and easy to make and incredibly versatile - add to a wrap, liven up a salad or add to your picnic basket as is. We've made ours with the help of the Dualit Hand Blender!

What is difference between blender and food processor? ›

What are the Differences Between a Food Processor and Blender? Blenders usually have one blade, tall jars and are typically used for wetter recipes. Food processors, on the other hand, usually have multiple blades and wide work bowls and can usually shred and slice in addition to pureeing.

What is the best binder for falafel? ›

Using dried chickpeas eliminates the need for flour or other binders, giving you falafel that is light and crisp. Letting the falafel dough rest after grinding allows starch to seep out, making it easier for the balls to retain their shape.

What can you use to bind falafel? ›

Ensure the chickpeas are well-drained and relatively dry before blending them with other ingredients. Excess moisture can make the falafel mixture too wet, which can make the falafel too gooey in the end. Don't skip the chill. Many recipes use egg or flour as a binding agent.

How do you know when falafel is cooked? ›

Pan fry the falafel patties, flipping once, until golden brown on both sides, 4 to 5 minutes.

What is falafel called in English? ›

Falafel (/fəˈlɑːfəl/; Arabic: فلافل, [fæˈlæːfɪl]) is a deep-fried ball or patty-shaped fritter of Egyptian origin, featuring in Middle Eastern cuisine, particularly Levantine cuisines, and is made from broad beans, ground chickpeas, or both.

Why can't I use canned chickpeas for falafel? ›

The problem is that canned chickpeas have too much moisture. The result is a dough that doesn't quite stick together, and tends to spread or flatten out in the pan. This is sad falafel and we don't want that.

Is falafel good for you or bad for you? ›

Chickpeas in falafel contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins and folate. They are full of antioxidants and are useful in fighting diseases. Of course, we emphasize again that you try to prepare it at home and do not fry it. If it is fried, its fat and calories increase and the food is no longer so healthy.

Can I use a blender instead of a food processor for falafel? ›

Add the shallot, parsley, and garlic to a blender and pulse until coarsely chopped. Add the chickpeas, cumin, coriander, pepper, salt, flour, and olive oil and blend until combined, but still slightly chunky, 15–20 pulses, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.

What can I use instead of a food processor for hummus? ›

Mash chickpeas, 2 tablespoons reserved chickpea liquid, tahini, sesame oil, red pepper flakes, and garlic powder together in a bowl using a potato masher, adding more reserved liquid if desired, until hummus is desired consistency, 50 to 100 strokes.

How to make chickpea flour without a food processor? ›

To make chickpea flour, you'll need a high-speed blender, or a coffee grinder (or spice grinder). Place the dry chickpeas in the blender, and blend until they are finely ground, like a flour. Be warned– it's VERY loud at first!

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.